
Archive for October, 2011

Wondering what Granada has to offer visitors. Here’s a quick overview:

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Maureen Booth is the master printmaker who has published what some fine-art-printmaking insiders consider to be the finest printmaking tutorials on the Web. She affirms, “Making videos is like making prints. The process is essentially the same. You just try to do it better every time.”

Q/ How did you happen to embark on this printmaking-learning-videos project, Maureen? Did you have sponsorship or institutional backing of some sort?
A/ Something of that sort would have been nice, but instead of growing old waiting for it to happen, video producer, Juan Carlos Romera, and I planned and executed the whole thing ourselves, and my husband, Mike, is doing the Internet promotion. The Printmaking Master Classes project was actually Juan Carlos’s idea. He’s been fascinated with etching ever since we shot some scenes of his short film, “Bive,” in my studio seven or eight years ago. That was my first experience in front of a camera. I played an English printmaker who falls in love with a Spanish fisherman. (more…)

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I’m uploading this image here as an example of the magic of printmaking. This solar-plate print called “El Duende” is based on a poem by Alejandro de Luna. It’s about the traditional creative muse that inspires Spanish artists and writers. He’s represented by that tiny figure in the white space near the top of  the image, created from a scrap of 100-year-old lace. How did the figure of a woman appear at the left of the image? As far as I can tell it’s because I used an old roller which was slightly concave from years of use and it did not exert enough pressure on that part of the print. However it happened, it’s clear to me that the duende was working beside me.

El Duende, after a poem by Alejandro de Luna

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